176 cm
96 cm
Veterinarian, AH diploma No 27277469 of June 24, 2005, Ukraine
Higher earnings
EDUCATION 1999–2005 Luhansk National Agricultural University in Lugansk, Ukraine, I obtained full higher education in the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" and obtained the qualifications of a veterinary medicine doctor, AH diploma No. 27277469 of June 24, 2005. WORK EXPERIENCE - From 2005 to 2015 I worked at the National Research Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine” in Kharkov, Ukraine, as a veterinarian and junior researcher (Address: 83 Pushkinskaya St., Kharkov, Ukraine, 61023 Tel.: (057) 707-20-53 Tel./Fax: (057) 704-10-90 e-mail:, Performing specialized research within the scope of laboratory activities (cell culture, stem cells). - From 2006 to 2014 – I worked as a veterinarian at the Veterinary Clinic at the National Research Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine” in Kharkov, Ukraine. Scope of duties performed: diagnostics and examination of the patient, preparation of the patient for surgery, examination, assessment of health condition, qualification for surgery, performing surgical procedures, performing specialist tests (e.g. microscopy of blood smears, stool testing, urine testing), performing ultrasonic tartar removal procedures. - From 2008 to 2017, I worked in parallel at FELDMAN ECOPARK, a private zoo in Kharkov, as a veterinarian, and since 2014 - as the head of the veterinary service +38(050)4010912/+38(057)7199903, Kharkiv oblast, Derhachi region, village of Lisne, 12, Kyivske Shose Str. - I have been in Poland since 01.09.2017. On 12.06.2020, the Council of the Lubuskie Veterinary Chamber granted me the right to practice as a veterinarian with the number 75199. In 2023, I completed postgraduate studies in "Diseases of dogs and cats" at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, in Warsaw. On 16.02.2024, I was recognized as a Polish citizen, case number: SO-I.6121.159.2023JWoź. On 09.11.2024, I obtained the title of specialist in the field of Dog and Cat Diseases, diploma No. 0156/2024. I currently work as a veterinarian in a specialist clinic for small animals as the manager of the clinic.